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MathDrill Kid
Kids: You can work interactively from your home on Math problems organized into (and increasing ) of addition, subtraction, ordering, multiplication and division, dealing with numbers and fractions, decimals, percent, algebra, geometry, time, in direct as well as more analytic word problem format. Now with step-by-step explanations for answers!   (Learn more)
MathDrill Kid
Parents: Goodbye to driving your kids to expensive learning centers just to collect homework sheets!! can generate unlimited number of problem sheets and grade them for free! Your kids learn at home and you can follow their progress from your office, through charts and tables in the browser.   (Learn more)
MathDrill Teacher
Teachers: Do not spend time setting and correcting Math homeworks. Just type 3 numbers e.g 20 (problems), 8 (Level#) and 3 (Grade#). Then let be your assistant! It will grade the submitted answers and you will get the scores for all your students in a nice table for free!    (Learn more)
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